Mozart in Prague

A Joint Conference of
the Mozart Society of America
& the Society for Eighteenth-Century Music

9-13 June 2009


Tuesday, 9 June

Registration and conference packets available at Hotel Questenberk and Hotel Adalbert.

Tour of Lobkowicz Palace exhibition and the “Beethoven Room,” led by Kathryn Libin (President, Mozart Society of America)

Welcome dinner at Letná Castle

Wednesday, 10 June

Visit to Nelahozeves:  Dvořák birthplace and church of St. Andrew’s; Lobkowicz castle and collections

Coffee in Nelahozeves castle courtyard

Tour of exhibition, “Private Spaces: A Noble Family at Home”

Knights’ Hall

Session I:  Music and Patronage in Central Europe
Kathryn L. Libin (Vassar College), Chair

Soňa Černocká (Curator, Roudnice Lobkowicz Library).  “Introduction to the Lobkowicz Library.”

Todd Rober (Kutztown University).  “A paternal patronage in Dresden:  Count
Heinrich von Brühl and Gottlob Harrer.” 

Lunch in castle salons

Visit to Zlonice:  Organ school and Dvořák memorial

Session I, continued:  Music and Patronage in Central Europe

Jane Schatkin Hettrick (Hofstra University).  “Antonio Salieri’s Requiem Mass: The Moravian connection.”

Rita Steblin (Vienna).  “Mozart reception in early 19th-century Bohemia as revealed by Johann Nepomuk Chotek’s diary.” 

Visit to Baroque church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Concert:  Irena Chřibková, organ/Nadia Ladkany, mezzo-soprano

Allegro – Menuetto pastorello – Scherzo
“Der Morgen und der Abend”
Leopold Mozart (1719-1787)

“Deh per questo istante solo” from La Clemenza di Tito
Laudate dominum “Vesperae”
W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)

Adagio in C

“Ridente la calma”

Preludium a fuga in D
Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904)

Selection of songs

Return to Prague; dinner and evening activities on your own.

Thursday, 11 June

Czech Museum of Music, Karmelitská 2, Malá Strana

Session II: Musical Practice in Bohemia
John A. Rice (Rochester, Minnesota), Chair

Milada Jonášová (Institute of Musicology, Czech Academy of Sciences). “Mozarts Prager Kopisten I: Anton Grams Kopistenwerkstatt.”

Tomislav Volek (Prague). “American Mozart scholarship seen from Prague.”

Coffee Break

Jean Hellner (Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota). “Elements of enlightenment in Osmin’s rage: Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail in Prague.

Peter Heckl (University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Graz). “Piano music by Wolfgang Amadé Mozart arranged for Harmoniemusik from the archives in the Kroměříž palace.”


Tour of exhibition, Czech Museum of Music

Visit to Mozart Museum, Villa Bertramka; remarks by Tomislav Volek (President, Czech Mozart Society)

Wine and Concert

Concert: Kinsky Trio Prague
Lucie Sedláková Hůlová, violin; Martin Sedlák, cello; Jaroslava Pěchočová, piano

Trio in C major, K. 548
W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)

Trio in D minor, Op. 49
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Dinner in Bertramka garden

Friday, 12 June

Břevnov Monastery, Salon Sartorius

Session III: Mozart’s Singers
Isabelle Emerson (Emeritus, University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Chair

Bruce Alan Brown (University of Southern California). “In defense of Josepha Duschek (and Mozart): Patronage, friendship, and evidence.”

Paul Corneilson (Packard Humanities Institute). “‘aber nach geendigter Oper mit Vergnügen’: Mozart’s arias for Mme Duschek.”

John A. Rice (Rochester, Minnesota). “A Bohemian composer meets a Mozart singer: Kozeluch’s Rondò for Adriana Ferrarese.”

Coffee Break

Session IV: Monastery and Theatre
Janet K. Page (University of Memphis), Chair

Michaela Freemanova (Prague). “Losses and gains: Bohemian monastic and parish music collections of Mozart’s time.”

Lucio Tufano (Naples). “Transgenre: the Italian reception of Benda’s Ariadne auf Naxos and Medea.”

Bertil van Boer (Western Washington University). “Mozart’s difficulties with the opera overture; or, ‘For Heaven’s sake, begin it with a cavalry march!’”

Martin Nedbal (Eastman School of Music). “Preaching (German) morals in Vienna: the case of Mozart and Umlauf.”

Lunch, monastery tavern

Optional tour of monastery church and crypt

Session V: Guardasoni and Italian Opera
Adena Portowitz (Bar-Ilan University), Chair

Pierluigi Petrobelli (Rome). “Italian opera in Dresden and Prague during the 18th century: Repertory, management, singers, exchanges.”

Anna Ryszka-Komarnicka (Institute of Musicology, Warsaw University). “From Venice to Warsaw: Pasquale Anfossi’s Zenobia di Palmira performed by Guardasoni’s troupe.”

Margaret Butler (University of Florida, Gainesville). “Mozart’s theater and its Italian contemporaries: La Clemenza di Tito in Prague and Turin.”

Service with organ music at Strahov monastery, Basilica of the Assumption of Our Lady

Dinner, Strahov monastery brewery

Saturday, 13 June

Academy of Music, Liechtenstein Palace, Malostranské náměstí

Session VI: Don Giovanni

Edmund Goehring (University of Western Ontario). “Of libertines and theologians: An apology for theater from the Austrian Enlightenment.”

Simon Keefe (University of Sheffield). “‘Die treffliche gewählten Instrumente’: Orchestrating Don Giovanni.”

Nathan Martin (McGill University). “Formenlehre goes to the opera: Examples from Don Giovanni.”

Coffee break, palace courtyard

Magnus Tessing Schneider (University of Copenhagen). “New sources for Luigi Bassi and the original production of Don Giovanni.”

Ian Woodfield (Queen’s University, Belfast). “One manuscript, two cities: The story of the Prague Conservatory Don Giovanni score.”

Lunch, Olympia restaurant

Tour of Estates Theatre

Farewell dinner, Strahov monastery: Bellavista restaurant