Encounters with Eighteenth-Century Music – January 21, Mozart the Performer: A Conversation with Dorian Bandy and Dean Sutcliffe

The American Bach Society, American Handel Society, Haydn Society of North America, Mozart Society of America, and Society for Eighteenth-Century Music invite you to attend the next session of Encounters with Eighteenth-Century Music: A Virtual Forum. Dorian Bandy and Dean Sutcliffe will discuss “Mozart the Performer” on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 5:00-6:30pm (EDT).

All Encounters sessions are free but you must register to attend. You can register for this session at this link (https://holycross.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlf-2vqz4qHNLpIDXs8mNY-xzWyu3v2-lA)

For more information on this and other sessions planned for the year, please visit encounters.secm.org